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Translation Memory Tools

We at Shakti Enterprise use latest CAT tools software like Trados 2007, Trados Studio 2011, Word Fast Pro, Translation Workspace, MemoQ etc…for creating translation memory bank and terminology management for all our clients so that you save on translation cost, reduce turn-around-time while maintaining highest quality with consistency of translated word, phrases, and terminology.

Developing Translation Memory

The source text is segmented into translation units by the phrase, paragraphs, and stored using the TM tool. Once a text has been translated, it is “memorized” in a database for possible use in future translations – avoiding repeat translation. Leveraging the translation by using the TM tool for 100% matches and fuzzy matches, not only reduces cost but also saves translator his time while maintaining the best quality.

Advantages of Translation Memory tools

  • 1. No Repeat translation is done for the same word.
  • 2. The translation is consistent with the right translation for the source word done across projects.
  • 3. Ensures the best quality.
  • 4. Speeds up the translation process
  • 5. Reduces cost.

Terminology Management

We at Shakti Enterprise implement a practical approach towards terminology management to make sure that the localized products convey relevant message to the target users in their native languages and thus the consistency between software interface and any other user-facing components, like documentation and online help, is 100% guaranteed.

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